Jun 1, 2022 11:00:00 AM | 5 Min Read

5 Tips for Replacing Your Fence

Posted By HOA Fence
5 Tips for Replacing Your Fence

Although most fencing materials have a long life span when well-kept, there might come a time when you're ready to replace yours. You can replace a fence for purely aesthetic reasons, such as to update its style. You can also swap out a fence that's seen better days, such as a wood fence showing signs of rot or a stained vinyl fence.

Before you start replacing your fence, you want to make sure you check a few boxes. The more preparation you do, the more likely your project will run smoothly. From checking with your homeowners' association (HOA) to talking to the neighbors, here's some advice to help your fence replacement project run smoothly.

1. Get HOA Approval

Every HOA is different, and some have pretty strict rules about what homeowners can put on their property. Your HOA might restrict the type of materials you use, the style of fence, or even its color. The HOA might be okay with an aluminum fence, for example, or happy to let you install a semi-private fence, but prohibit wood fences or fully private fences.

Even if you already have a fence on your property and want to replace it with the same style, it's good to touch base with your HOA first. Their rules might have changed from when your fence was installed initially. You can find the information you need in your HOA's bylaws.

The approval process varies among HOAs. Some have a formal process and will require you to submit a proposal. You might even have to present your project proposal to a committee, who will approve it, ask for modifications, or deny it. It could be the case that you can get started with a project without formally applying to the HOA. As long as your project follows the rules, the HOA will let it go.

2. Find Your Property Lines

It's also good to figure out where your property lines are before replacing a privacy fence. Don't assume that the current fence is on the property line. It could have been installed just beyond the line, meaning it's on your neighbor's property, or just over the line, meaning you've given up some of your property.

You can find out where your property lines are by ordering a site plan. You can get an informal site plan, which will show you the boundaries of your property, plus any structures.

The site plan can also come in handy if you need to submit a proposal to your HOA. Some HOAs require a plan to be included in any proposals.

3. Tell Your Neighbors

Let your neighbors know about your fence replacement plans, ideally before the project begins. While good fences make good neighbors, so do people who communicate well. You might not need to get your neighbor's blessing before you put up a new fence, but letting them know about the project can help keep the peace.

Your neighbors might have some opinions or concerns about the replacement fence. Talking to them before starting the project gives you a chance to put them at ease. You can share your plans with them, so they can see if the new fence will be considerably different from the existing one. A conversation before the project starts also gives you a chance to clear up any confusion, such as who owns the fence.

4. Figure Out How To Dispose of Your Old Fence

Depending on the original fence's materials, you might have several options for its disposal. The lumber of wood fences can be repurposed, provided it's still in relatively good condition. Aluminum fences can be easily recycled.

Many contractors will take the old fence materials away and dispose of or recycle them for you. If they don't, you might be able to bring the old materials to a transfer station or recycling center.

5. Talk to Fencing Professionals

There's a lot to consider when replacing a fence, from the materials to the size. You also have to manage your HOA and your neighbors. A professional fencing company can help guide you through the entire process, ensuring you follow all the rules and get the necessary permits and approvals.

Fencing professionals can also help you choose your next fence. A fencing pro can recommend styles or materials that coordinate your home's overall aesthetic. They're also likely to be familiar with your HOA's bylaws and any local zoning requirements, ensuring that your replacement fence project is up to code and won't cause an issue with the HOA.

HOA Fence Company has years of experience installing and replacing fences in the Greater Indianapolis area. Contact us today to set up a fencing consultation if you're considering replacing your fence this season.

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Topics: Fence, Tips, Planning

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