HOA Fence Blog

How to Find Your Property Lines for a Fence Project in Indianapolis

Written by HOA Fence | May 16, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Good fences make good neighbors, but first, you must ensure you're not putting up a fence on your neighbor's property. Few things can be more upsetting for homeowners than having a neighbor invade their property.

Double and even triple-checking the location of your property lines is a smart move before any home improvement project, particularly one that requires you to set up a boundary around the perimeter of your home. Finding out where your property begins and ends won't just help you keep the peace with the people next door. It also helps ensure your fence project complies with local zoning laws and HOA requirements.

What Are Property Lines?

Property lines are the boundaries of your property. When marking out plots for houses, a surveyor marks the formal boundaries of each one. Zoning laws may come into play as far as the size of each property is concerned.

Sometimes, your property lines might be obvious, such as the edge of a street or the wall of your home if you live in an attached unit. In other cases, the lines are invisible and can only be determined through a survey.

If you already have a fence on your property, it might not be on the property line. The fence's location depends on how well the previous homeowner did their homework. In some cases, a fence might be just off the property line, meaning you're either taking land from your neighbor or giving land to them. Either way, you'll want to ensure your existing fence is plotted correctly and what changes may need to be made for the new one.

Get a free site plan from HOA Affordable Fence Company to understand your property lines.

Why Do Property Lines Matter?

Before you make any purchase, it's important to know what you're getting. That's the case when it comes to homeownership. The property lines tell you how much land you're buying. Once you've purchased the house, knowing where your property begins and ends allows you to make plans for fencing or other improvement projects.

Property lines also help you act neighborly. If you're considering installing a privacy fence, you want to make sure you put the fence on your property rather than on your neighbor's land. You don't want to make your next-door neighbors angry or spend money on a project only to redo it.

The same is true for any other home improvement project or addition. You don't want to install a new structure or add to your home to discover that part of it is sitting on your neighbor's land.

Don't forget the HOA bylaws if you live in an association when planning home improvement projects.

Resources for Finding Property Lines in Indianapolis

You have a few options for figuring out where your property lines are. In some cases, you might already have the documents you need at home. You most likely received a plat document or property map when you bought your home. The plat document shows you the outline of your property. If you don't have a copy, you can request one from the Recorder's office or Township Assessor's office in Indianapolis.

If you have a mortgage on your home, the lender most likely required a property survey before it approved your loan. You can ask the mortgage company for a copy of the survey. The title insurance company you used might also have a copy of your property survey.

If your home is relatively new, the property line markers might still be in the ground. Look around for metal or wooden stakes around your home. There might also be survey pins around that mark the locations of your property lines.

The internet can also be your friend when trying to figure out your property's boundaries. You can try to search for a plat map online or use a GPS app to figure out where the boundaries are.

If all else fails, another option is to order a new survey. You can hire a licensed surveyor to come out and mark your property for you. Hiring a private surveyor might be an excellent option if you want to avoid any disputes with your neighbors or will need a certified site plan.

How to Talk to Your Neighbors About Property Lines

Be proactive when talking to your neighbors, especially if you're planning a project along or near your property line. It's a good idea to approach your neighbors before starting the installation. Let them know what you plan to do, and show them where the fence will be. Bring a site plan and other supporting documents to this meeting to show them precisely what you will do.

Talking to your neighbors first helps you avoid any potential disagreements or disputes. It also ensures that you've dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's in case they decide to try and take legal action against you.

HOA Affordable Fence Company can help you through every step of the fence installation process. We'll work with you to help you decide what type of fence to install and to help you determine where your property lines are. Contact us today for a consultation.